Golden Mangel Seeds

by Ellen from Georgia
(Colbert, Georgia)

I'm looking for the Golden Mangel Seeds; can't find them any suggestions of where to look? I want to use the lasagna bed for them. They belong to the beet family. Would they grow better in a raised bed? Thanks Ellen

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Jan 02, 2012
Golden Mangel NEW
by: Kiwi George

Hi Ellen. My "Ye Olden Days" gardening book calls these "Mangold Wurzel" and were a staple "peasant food" often decried as "cattle food". Google tells me they are of the Beta Vulgaris genus aka Beetroot etc. I believe they are also related to the Turnip and Swede which we grew as vegetables at home. Mashed swede with butter and pepper "YUMMMMM" As for growing them in a raised bed, my experience is that providing the bed is deep enough and there are appropriate nutrients, anything will grow in a raised bed as the 7 No-Dig raised beds I have grow everything I need very successfully.
Good luck

Jan 03, 2012
Golden Mangels NEW
by: Ellen from Georgia

Thanks George for the information, finally found some seed will be planting them this spring some in the raised bed. Then I will plant some in the garden spot in the woods better dirt.

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