Planting Collards in November

by Ellen
(Colbert, Georgia)

Will collard greens survive the winter if they are covered with straw? I live in north east Georgia, cold weather really doesn't arrive until late December or early January. I bought the last plants from a small hardware store watered them good before planting them in a raised garden bed. The plant is suppose to take 60 to 90 days to maturity so will they survive? Any suggestions? Thanks Ellen

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Nov 21, 2011
Growing collards in cold weather NEW
by: ~ Megan

I'm not American, but I know that in many parts of USA, collard greens are a traditional part of New Year's Day dinners - which is a cold time. Where I live, collards and other brassicas grow beautifully in the winter, and we get a few frosts. So yes, collards established early November should survive and hopefully produce for a long time over winter for you. If you get snow and really cold temperatures, straw will help keep the ground and plants from becoming frozen solid, then your collards should sit there and start growing again in late winter, early spring.

I find that I need to plant most other winter brassicas such as Brussels sprouts, cauli, bok choy, broccoli and some cabbages well before late summer so that they produce for autumn and winter, but collards and kale don't mind going into the ground early winter and they will still grow and be champion producers, and in fact all the more sweeter for the cold weather.

Dec 01, 2011
Planting Collards in November NEW
by: Hotchaiguy

We have been harvesting broccoli up and until now( in NE Indiana, where it gets plenty cold and a goodly amount of snow and ice in Winter.). We just got about three inches of snow and it is 22 F. I have been so thrilled to be getting harvests until now , that I never thought of mulching them. One area of broccoli we have has some sweet potatoes underneath them. planted the sweet pots in the middle area of a 5' x 4 ' section so it has been impossible to dig them up. Hated to pull up up the brooc. We just about have all our leavles off the trees and yards.
I would think the collards at New Yars wowuld be in our southern States. Might be a good tradion to start in the northern parts, too. Hmm ? I do have some Collards, which have been doing pretty well so far. who knows it ma not be too too late.

Are you from the U.K. or Australia ? N. Z> ?

Dec 01, 2011
Hotchaiguy NEW
by: Anonymous

It id N.Z. Just noticed our name. Greetings, Megan

Dec 01, 2011
Collards planted in late november NEW
by: Ellen from Georgia

The collards have survived so far down to 27 last night, I live in north east Georgia. Any thing I planted for the fall crop is mulched, to hold the moisture and keep some of the frost off of it. My garlic is coming up also, next fall will try more like spinach and broccoli and chard. We are expecting more cold weather just hope it doesn't gone down in the teen's.

Jan 02, 2012
Collards planted in late november NEW
by: Ellen from Georgia

The collards survived and I have made three cuttings from them so far. We have enjoyed those sixteen plants only three left, this Fall will plant more and try other cold weather crops.

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