Root crops very small and stressed

by Christine
(Terrace, BC Canada)

Radishes did not form, plants stayed small, yellow leaves and looked stressed. Beets stayed small and would not grow, cabbages did very well and so did peas. What could be the root crop problem?

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Mar 12, 2011
Stunted Root Crop Problem
by: George Harding

Have a look at the No Dig Vegetable Garden post for August 11th 2009, there are a number of posts, one by Megan, relevant to your problem. As Megan says in her post, there are multiple possible reasons but I solved my miserable carrot, parsnip and beetroot crop problem by incorporating sufficient sharp river sand to bring my root crop bed up to 1/3 sand, 1/3 well aged horse/leaf/comfrey compost, 1/3 original soil sieved to leave a very fine tilth. The parsnips were 50cm long and had to "crow barred" out of the soil; hope yours are the same after the treatment.

Mar 16, 2011
Growing large root crops
by: Megan

A crow bar to get out the parsnips. George what a gardener you are!
Here you go, this is a good start - click to read about how to grow large root crops.

I've definitely found root crops do need a bit more babying than some other veggies. They do need plenty of water when young especially, then they seem to be quite tolerant of a more ho hum lifestyle.
I'm not growing them where I live now because I only moved here a year ago and put down a no dig garden over an old lawn. This is now looking rather luscious, but too new and lumpy for carrots at least. Radishes are the easiest. Certainly the finer the soil , the better the root veg/ I'm avoiding having to lug sand up my hill, but the thought of needing a crowbar to get my dinner out of the garden sounds exciting:-)

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