Story of the Yellow Pear Tomatoes

by Carla
(Tacoma WA)

Tomatoes I love to hate.....

First you must know I now live in Washington State and have lived in both Western WA and Eastern WA. and moved back to Western WA two years ago.

Now I planted the above mentioned tomatoes in E.WA, in fact I had 4 plants, staked and they loved the hot, hot heat, in fact they thrived in E. WA. I took tomatoes to family, friends, food banks and senior centers.

Now I planted 1, yes only 1 yellow pear tomato plant here in W.WA

Well I had the largest tomato vine I have ever had and tomatoes coming out me ears. This plant was a monster, the base was like a small tree. I staked the plant but also let it do its own thing.

Never again, next year the Yellow Pear goes into a pot.

Just wanted to share


Comments for Story of the Yellow Pear Tomatoes

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Jul 13, 2013
Yellow Pear Tomatoes
by: Ellen from Georgia

This is the first year I tried the Yellow Pear tomato and I planted four of them, big mistake. They out grew the tomato cage and now I have used wood stakes to hold up the cage and the biggest vine with the small yellow tomatoes all over. So now I take them to the Food Bank here in north east Georgia I make three trips a week.
Has anyone out there tried canning them? I did add some to my pickled mixed vegetables and made eight pints so far. Anyone have any suggestions what to do with the rest of them?
Ellen from Georgia

Aug 30, 2015
Any others?
by: Dawen

Wow, sounds like they're extremely prolific! Does anyone know if there's a red version or a red tomato that produces comparably in West Washington? My mother would unfortunately never go for any tomato that's not cherry red. :(

Aug 31, 2015
Yellow Pear Tomato
by: Ellen from Georgia

This would be the year i wished I would have planted some year pear tomatoes. I planted 16 different red tomato plants and only got about a dozen tomatoes. This would have been a great year for this little yellow pear tomato to shine. The red tomato plants grew very tall and fell out of the cages just didn't produce very many tomatoes. Next year I will be planting at least two yellow pear tomato plants. What a difference every year is in the garden, My one strong vegetable the jack bean even failed this year. The only thing that is surviving and producing are the peppers and the sweet potatoes. Well there is always next year to look forward to having a better garden. Ellen from Georgia

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