how to earn income growing vegetables and fruit

by ahmed

What vegetables or fruit can I grow to earn income? What can i grow with mango? I have a mango and sapota farm and i need to grow other vegetables or fruit along with that as this fruit yields only once in a year. I am looking for some extra income so plz suggest to me some good options.

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Nov 06, 2011
Extra Income Ideas
by: Kiwi George

Hi Ahmed. I assume your climate is much hotter than our Temperate New Zealand and my ideas may not be suitable for you but the basic principles will still apply. My organic garden produces more that my wife and I can eat so we give most of the surplus to elderly friends who cannot garden or apartment dwellers who do not have a garden. As I prefer Asian style food with a lot of vegetables I grow a lot of quick growing greens such as Bok Choy and other Brassicas and I also find that Curcubits such as Zuchinis, Cucumbers which are also fast growers and as they crop heavily and must be picked regularly they are a steady stream and possibly a quick seller. Although Pumpkins are an annual crop they keep very well and can be sold throughout the years for a steady income stream. Hope this helps.

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